I don't claim to be as good as a writer as Bill Simmons, Joe Posnanski, or Zach Lowe but I, too, have some thoughts on the results of the NBA finals.
1) Congratulations to Dirk and the rest of the Dallas Mavericks! Especially to Dirk and Jason Kidd who are two of my favorite players in the NBA currently.
2) To those lauding the Mavericks for playing as a team and winning thus proving that teams win championships and not just a collection of stars, why were you ever worried? If you truly believed this as a sports fan, there was no reason to be upset when Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosh joined to play for the Heat because you knew they would not win. But the truth is, along the way everyone forgot this. As the Heat rolled into the finals, everyone thought, you know they might be able to pull this off. Everyone got so upset when Lebron left, when the Heat joined forces that we forgot that teams win championships. When they struggled at the beginning of the season we were happy because we thought they realized this championship thing wouldn't be so easy. But why would we leave our convictions and beliefs and have to doubt whether or not the Mavericks would win? We thought that the better team would win but we were still upset when Lebron went to the Heat but why should it affect us in the slightest? If we know that the greatest team would win and that a random collection of superstars weren't going to win, why did we spend the whole time rooting against them when we knew that they would lose?
3) That being said, if you were/are upset with Lebron joining the Heat then you fall into one of these categories thinking that:
a) Lebron was "teaming up" to gain an unfair competitive advantage
b) Lebron should be competing against his rivals, not playing with them.
c) Lebron was just trying to get the most money
d) Lebron was ruining his legacy
e) the Heat welcome party video was smug and whoever made it should lose.
f) Lebron will never be Michael Jordan unless he pulls off the Hitler moustache that Michael Jordan sports in his new Hanes commercials.
Let's address those points:
a) Lebron was "teaming up" to gain an unfair competitive advantage- well besides the fact that if we really believed that the best team would win this shouldn't be a problem with you because well look what I wrote above. Also, how is this any different then mid-level or close to retirement players joining teams that are close to winning a championship so that they can go out as a winner (see Karl Malone, all mid-level exception players who sign with competitors)
b) Lebron should be competing against his rivals, not playing with them. Well I guess that's true. Although again, it's not the first time this has happened. If you look at the history of basketball, you'll see several examples of this happening. Michael Jordan never did this but Michael Jordan was a freak of nature and Scottie Pippen was a rival to a certain extent. Pippen and Jordan played on the same team, while it wasn't MJ's choice he certainly played with a Hall of Famer. Pippen joined the ring chasing Rockets and Blazers choosing to play with rivals in pursuit of more rings. Barkley did similar things. The list goes on.
c) Lebron was just trying to get the most money. You're wrong if you thought that. Lebron passed on more money with the Cavaliers and probably had a greater marketing opportunity if he stayed or went to the New York Knicks. Also, there was a rumor of Lebron earning $50 million if he signed with a New York or Los Angeles team (excluding the Clippers, so basically the Knicks or Lakers).
d) Lebron was ruining his legacy- you're right. He could have stayed in Cleveland and transcended sports if he led the Cavs to a championship as Cleveland has been so long without a championship. Further, he was from the area and could have regarded as a hero for years to come. But if he failed, he would be remembered as a choke artist (well he still might be) or as someone who couldn't quite make it. Had he gone to New York he could have restored the basketball legacy there but arguably would have been in a similar situation that he was with the Heat where he would have been rooted against. If he went to Chicago he could have won more championships (I think that was the best situation for him, I mean Derrick Rose, Noah, and all of them) but he would not have escaped MJ's shadow so his legacy would still be ruined. If you're keeping score, each situation had a potential of him ruining his legacy.
e) the Heat welcome party video was smug and whoever made it should lose. That's true. Shouldn't the Mavericks have shown that video before the beginning of each of the finals home game? I think the fans would have gone crazy. I think Dirk would have gone crazy and pull an Under Armour, we must protect this house! move.
f) Lebron will never be Michael Jordan unless he pulls off the Hitler moustache that Michael Jordan sports in his new Hanes commercials. Is Michael Jordan trying to bring back this style of moustache? Does he think he can escape the curse of the Hitler moustache? Are we eventually going to refer to this moustache style as the Michael Jordan moustache? Regardless, Lebron would never be able to pull off this moustache.
4) Lebron will never be Michael Jordan. As an aside, if Delonte West really slept with Lebron's mother, then we're dealing with separate issues. Michael Jordan would have bet on which one of his teammates would have slept with his mom then probably would have slept with every other player's mother just to be sure he slept with the most.
5) Brian Cardinal, Mike Miller, who knew that former Grizzlies would be the random white players that the Mavericks and Heat threw out there?
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